You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.3. Transactions - Internal Job > Managing Internal Jobs > Internal Job Entry - File - Delete
Internal Job Entry - File - Delete

If you have not set the Department master file to automatically delete jobs on completion (refer to "Adding a New Department"), jobs stay in Micronet indefinitely. Use this option to delete an internal job that you no longer need to keep.



You can delete a range of jobs using the Bulk Job Delete program - refer to "Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Bulk Job Delete".

  1. Recall the internal job you want to delete.

Refer to "Recalling an Internal Job".

  1. Select FILE | DELETE.

If the job is still active, or still has Work in Progress, Micronet displays a message similar to this warning that items will not be returned to stock and asking you to confirm that you want to delete the job.


  1. If you are certain you want to delete the job, select Yes.

Micronet deletes the job and redisplays the Enter Internal Job screen so you can create or load another internal job.

Deleting a job creates an entry in the Micronet log file with the job number, user, date and time of deletion.